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HOT & SOUR SOUP – One of the best dishes for this season, is soup. Try my recipe for the popular Hot & Sour Soup.
#hotandsoursouprecipe #souprecipes @pankhurisullerenayak620 #soup #souprecipe #chinesesoup #easyhotandsoursoup
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2 tbsp Oil (तेल)
2-3 cloves Garlic – chopped (लहसुन)
1 inch Ginger – chopped (अदरक)
3-4 Mushroom – sliced (मशरूम)
½ medium Cabbage – chopped (पत्ता गोभी)
10-12 French Beans – cut in diamond shape (फ्रेंच बींस)
1 medium Carrot – chopped (गाजर)
1 Green Chilli – chopped (हरी मिर्च)
2-3 stalk Celery – chopped (सेलरी)
Water (पानी)
2 tbsp Coriander Stems – chopped (धनिया की डंठल)
2 tbsp Soya Sauce (सोया सॉस)
2 tsp Red Chilli Sauce (रेड चिली सॉस)
1 tbsp Vinegar (सिरका)
½ tsp Sugar (चीनी)
For Corn-starch Slurry
2 tbsp Corn-starch (कॉर्न स्टार्च)
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder (काली मिर्च पाउडर)
Water (पानी)
For Chilli Oil
2 Star Anise (चक्र फूल)
2 dry Red Chillies (सूखी लाल मिर्च)
½ cup Oil (तेल)
½ tsp Degi Red Chilli Powder (देगी लाल मिर्च पाउडर)
For Garnish
Chopped Spring Onion (प्याज़ पत्ता)
½ tsp Chilli Oil (चिली ऑइल)
Fresh Coriander Leaves (धनिया पत्ता)
In a pot add oil, garlic, ginger, and mushroom and saute for 2 minutes.
Now add cabbage, carrot, french beans, green chillies and saute for a minute.
Add celery and water, bring it to a boil and add the coriander stems mix once.
Now add soya sauce, chilli sauce, vinegar, and sugar and mix everything properly, turn the heat to low and add the corn-starch slurry, and mix it properly.
Cook it until it’s semi-thick (but not too thick).
Serving hot in a soup bowl and garnish with spring onion, chilli oil, and coriander leaves.
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Music- This is Happy
Musician- OrangeHead
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Credit: YouTube/Elixir Kitchen