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張媽媽【椒鹽脆皮豆腐】,香脆可口素食,豆腐香滑,配飯或當餐前小吃。請like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung’s salt and pepper tofu, a great vegetarian dish served in Chinese restaurants. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
炸鮮奶食譜, Fried milk fritters recipe: https://youtu.be/5VMQaZ_1H2w
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材料 Ingredients (十件 10 slices):
四百克中筋麵粉 400g plain flour
二百零八毫升清水 208ml water
四分一茶匙鹽 1/4tsp salt
三十克砂糖 30g sugar
四克發粉 4g baking powder
四克即用酵母 4g fast action yeast
餡材料 Filling:
四隻鹹蛋 4 salted duck eggs
二百五十毫升全脂牛奶 250ml whole milk
三十克煉奶 30g condensed milk
一隻雞蛋 1 egg
三十克砂糖 30g sugar
二十克椰絲 20g desiccated coconut
二十五克中筋麵粉 25g plain flour
十克吉士粉 10g custard powder
四分一茶匙鹽 1/4tsp salt
五十克無鹽牛油 50g unsalted butter
食譜: https://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.com/2018/03/salted-egg-yolk-layered-cake-recipe.html
Credit: YouTube